
Friday, July 1, 2011

My July

The J in my July follows June. It tells me its time to celebrate the joy of Independence Day and jostle times for picnics, parades, and fireworks. If I am fortunate I will listen to the jeers of my grandchildren as they jump into the cool, blue water of my swimming pool. On the mid summer night I will journey to quieter places among the stars and the jabber of Jays in the morning mist will wake me. I will try to jam a years worth of warmth into this month to last through the cold of the coming winter. Jesus will find me on the porch swing at sunrise and we will talk of everything from jelly beans to Jupiter.

The U in my July finds me remembering those in uniform who give everything so I can enjoy the freedom favored in this month. I will busy myself uncovering one man's junk and another man's treasure as I unpack the mess that has accumulated here and there. When the soft rain falls on a hot day I will breathe in the unique scent of the summer. One day I will remember unicorns collected over the years and question some things I don't understand. That same day I will lay a rose in an urn over the grave of my daughter and utter the words, "I love you and miss you." And the One who holds the universe will be there holding my heart.

The L in my July falls somewhere in the middle and lingers for a short time. The daylight is longer but my month grows shorter and I long for more lazy, hazy days. As luck would have it the lawn has settled down in the dryer days and I find more time to live, laugh, and love. I have learned from my past Julys that warmth doesn't last forever. Soon the leaves will turn and life on this earth will grow cold. But for now balmy evenings and twilight are lure for the fireflies that make the landscape sparkle and the expanse of constellations look down in starry shapes against a midnight sky. I lift my eyes to my Lord and thank Him for the heavens and the earth in all their vast array.

The Y in my July finishes my month. I gaze upon my yard and see the red, white and blue has faded, and the fireworks are silent. The celebration of yesterday has said its farewells and withdrawn until next year. The Yankee Doodle dandy of a month has come to an end. A yawn overtakes me and I feel a sudden yearning in my heart to be young once again. Yet, a few yellow birds alight on the feeder and I hear the yodelayheehoo of their triumphant exclamation. Their spirited celebration reminds me it is for freedom Christ has set me free and the yoke I now carry is easy and the burden light.

The sun has now set on my July and I look forward to the dawn of August.
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